lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Videojuegos. / Videogames.

Últimamente sueño con hacer un webcomic bonito y currado. Puede que lo haga, algún día. De momento, disfrutad de mis cutre dibujos a boli sobre folios escaneados! (Muy auténticos, por otra parte).


I've been dreaming about making a beautiful, elaborated webcomic. I may do it, someday. For the moment, enjoy my shabby pen drawings on scanned paper! (More authentic, on the other hand).

Take this, dumbass! SCORE: You > 20. Everyone else > 2034000
I'm super bad

You are good! You're gonna beat the record! / I don't work well under pressure! / Good bye.
Ew, I'm so bad, I'm never going to beat you. / Don't be so defeatist! With a little practise you'll get better. / See? You're already getting better. / Hey, hey! You are breaking me out! / YEEEAH!/ IMPOSSIBLE!

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Cosas del verano. / Summer things.

1- To take surf classes. 
2- To eat different ice cream flavors.
3- To take and be taken photos.
4- To design t-shirts and to wear them.
5- To take little art courses online. 
6- To understand a lot of ununderstandable movies.
7- To ride a bike somewhere nice.
8- To go to the theatre.
9- To take a health/beauty treatment. 
10- To eat some american junk.
11- To buy and be bought some presents (it's our birthdays!)
12- To be a decorator. 
13- Party!
14- To lie on the shade at some beach.
15- To eat cake. 
16- To explore undiscovered places. 
17- To read a lot. 
18- To study to take the driving license. 
19 - To draw a lot.
20 - To be social
21 - To go to a picnic.  

martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Poco a poco. / Slowly.

Mi proyecto va avanzando, poco a poco! En realidad, tenía la esperanza de que avanzara mucho más deprisa y poder tenerlo terminado antes de que se acabe el verano, pero la realidad es que tampoco me puedo dedicar al 100% a él, no exactamente por falta de tiempo, si no ya de capacidad mental. Lo que me cansa más de este proyecto, es la diferencia que hay entre cómo quiero que queden mis dibujos y cómo acaban quedando realmente. Es... frustrante. Pero esta frustración es un proceso necesario; hay que pasarlo lo mejor que se pueda y ya está. Y poco a poco, espero ir mejorando :)

My project is making progress, little by little! The truth is, I had the hope that it progressed a lot quickly, so I could have it ended before the summer ends, but the fact is that I can't completely dedicate myself to it, not exactly because I don't have time, but because my mental capacity. What tires me more about this project, is the huge difference between how I want it to be, and how it really is. It's... frsutrating. But the frustration is a necessary process, I have to go throught it. And slowly, I hope I will be getting better. :)

Galaxies project

Y estos son algunos dibujos sueltos que he estado haciendo.
And these are some drawings I've been also doing.