lunes, 24 de junio de 2013


He aquí una recopilación de lo último que he estado haciendo, es decir, desarrollando el personaje principal de Galaxies, Copérnica Moon. Quiero específicamente que el corto sea mezcla de espacial y medieval, así que busqué un nombre que sonara a eso. Sé que es un poco ridículo, pero me hizo gracia, y de todas formas tampoco es que vaya a salir literalmente su nombre en el corto, ya que será (¿sería?) todo musical.

This is a collection of what I've been doing lately, which is developing Galaxies' main character, Copernica Moon. I want specifically that the short looks spacey and middle-agey at the same time, so I looked for a name that sound like that. I know is quite ridiculous, but it seemed funny and it won't appear in the actual short anyway, because it's going to be musical. 


domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

Verano galáctico. / Galactic Summer.

¡Ya es verano para mí! ¡Soy libre!
He estado esperando este momento como agua de mayo durante mes y pico, aunque la verdad es que, ahora que ha llegado, me encuentro cansada y más apática de lo que creía. Inocente de mí pensar que al acabar los exámenes estaría fresca como una rosa.
Pero lo importante es no parar, así que he empezado finalmente el proyecto que había planeado en Barcelona, y que es el desarrollo visual de un corto galáctico que tengo en la cabeza desde hace como dos años. Así que esperad muchas, muchas cosas del espacio por aquí próximamente. ¡Disfrutad!

It's summer for me! I'm free!
I've been madly expecting this moment during the last month or so, and truth is that now it's here, I'm more tired than I thought I would be. It was innocent from me to think that at the end of the exams I would be fresh. 
But it's important to not stop, so I've finally started the project I had planned in Barcelona, and which is the visual development of a galactic short film I had in mind since the last two years or so. So expect lots of space stuff on my blog the next months. Enjoy!

Ilustración / Desarrollo visual
Illustration / Visual development

Nuevo avatar de facebook. / New facebook avatar.

Concepto de ambientación. / Environment concept.
Lifebook 12-14  Junio/June
Tomorrow... tomorrow all ends...

I will be so happy tomorrow. Go Marta! / It's done, exams are over. I should feel happy...  But I only feel super tired. 

Pablo: As you told me to do so, I'm starting to read Storm of Swords. Me: Awesome!
Pablo: A Sansa episode? What a shitty book. Marta: Read it. 
Apuntes / Referencias
Notes / References


martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Felices exámenes. / Happy tests.

Las grandes noticias de estos días son: ¡soy finalista de un concurso de diseño! Es un concurso especialmente interesante, porque, en el caso de que gane, van a imprimir mi logo en todos los productos de Sobrassada Mallorquina, el producto más característico de mi tierra, y que unos buenos miles de turistas se llevan a sus países al año. No es moco de pavo, me ha hecho mucha ilusión! Voy a pasar la semana de examenes muy contenta. Abajo, unos extractos del lifebook y un dibujete que me dio tiempo a hacer entre estudio y estudio.

Big news: I'm a finalist in a design contest! It's an interesting contest because, if I win, they're going to print my logo in all the products of Majorcan sausage, the most characteristic product of my land, and which a lot of tourists carry to their countries each year. It's nothing to sneeze at, I'm very excited! I'm gonna spend the tests week very happy. Below, some lifebook pages and a little drawing that I managed to do among study. 

Lifebook, 6 - 10 Junio/June

Mom: Pau has come to see you 5 minutes ago; he left because you weren't there.
Me: That boy, he could have waited for me! He must be around, I'm gonna call him.
Phone: The number you called is out of...
Me: DJGH-! I hate when that happens!
(The left page can only be understood by young spanish fellas).
Pau: HAHAH HAHAHA that's been so good!  HAHAHAHHOHO
Me: Honey, you are scaring me. 

Phone: You've been selected to be on the last phase of a design contest, congratulations!
Me: Oh, now I'm too happy to study well. /
Dreams I have.
Me: That was a catchy song. 

There's a boy in my class that makes me feel so tender and I don't even know why.
Me: Hope he does well at the exam

Cocinera de mundos. / Baker of worlds. 

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Casi fin de curso. / Almost end of course.

Antes de nada, perdonad la terrible legibilidad del Lifebook. Ya me he saltado la sección roja y la sección lila porque era imposible dibujar en ellas; me hubiera sentido mal si no aprovechara la naranja. Si sufrís de problemas de visión, mejor ni intentéis leerlo! Más abajo hay algunas tiras que se leen un poco mejor, junto unos cuantos bocetillos que he tenido tiempo de hacer. Tengo unas ganas increíbles de que se acabe el curso y poderme dedicar a dibujar en serio. ¡Ya falta menos!

Before anything, excuse the terrible legibility of my Lifebook. I've already skipped the red and purple sections because it was impossible to draw on them, but I would have feel bad if I wouldn't have used the orange section. If you suffer from bad vision, better don't even try reading it! There are some strips that read better below, along with some sketches. I want incredibly hard for the course to finish so I can be able to draw seriously again. Coming soon!

- Honey, are you gay? - Yeah. Do you know who's gay too? You, according to your watsapp state. - That's why people was telling me strange things!

- How do you see yourself in ten years? - I don't know, I suppose starting my career, being good at what I do... But most importantly; having a huge fridge always full of supercool food. //
- Honey, I've realised that other girls are too embarassed to fart in front of their boyfriends. Am I a filthy girl? - That's cause they don't see each other everyday! Sweetie, as long as you don't put your ass in my face when farting, I don't mind. - I'll keep it in mind.   

- Hey, why don't we make a jam session with our guitars?
- My guitar is broken, but you can do a jam session by yourself with your ass, if you want to.
- Ha ha, true! 

Romy, cutie, what do you want? - Oh, so you wanna play?! - They have such a good time

- You're always on the phone! - You never look at your phone! *Pau's note: that was a joke 
-That's a confession that it hurts to do but... - I don't share your passion for watching old Simpson episodes  - Simpson's on TV! -Not again... / I know that makes me a weirdo... And I won't be able to join the Simpson-episodes conversations (which are a lot) / But I will learn to live with that. - HAHA that episode is awesome!